What We Do
How will we do this?
This will be achieved through a consolidated voice that brings confidence, knowledge and leadership to members, industry and regulators.
We make submissions on a variety of policy issues to ensure our members’ concerns are heard by key influencers at any level.
We work with a number of other industry organisations including the Construction Strategy Group, Registered Master Builders Association and the Construction Industry Council when dealing with wider building industry issues.
We provide a linkage between various sectors within the industry.
We Are A Progressive Industry Association
We do not attempt to be all things to all people. We focus on representing the interests of the New Zealand building supply chain.
We Provide Information That Is Of Interest And Importance To You.
We communicate by email to ensure the message gets to members quickly.
We Have Forums For Discussion And Input.
We have representatives on various committees including Standards NZ dealing with specific issues of importance to these members – such as treated timber.
We Provide Regular Networking Opportunities such as After Fives.
We Maintain An Industry-Neutral Website For Current Information And Communication.
What is BIF NZ’s
aims and objectives
To promote growth within the wider building industry.
To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the building, hardware & construction sector supply chain.
To form a united, credible body for communication to government and the general public on significant industry issues.
To lobby central and local government on industry related issues.
To grow a broad membership base which truly represents the wider building industry.
To develop greater communication and networking opportunities for building industry participants.
To establish working parties focussing on significant issues such as the Building Systems Reforms.
To establish research aimed at developing innovative approaches for the future.
To deliver valuable information, services and advice.
To uphold industry standards through training with a view to achieve high levels of competence across the building industry.
To keep members well-informed on industry matters, changes and developments.
To develop and support quality solutions to issues facing the industry.
To provide input regarding industry standards and applications.